Weaving in Yarn Ends

Weaving in ends is always a chore.  But if you're going to use lots of colors, its the price you pay.   

I use the following two steps to weave in my ends.  When changing yarns, I will catch the two ends (old color and new color) in back of the second stitch by bringing them up over my needle, knit the next stitch and then fold the tails down again, then continue knitting.  When I am ready to weave in the ends, I will make a small knot of the two yarns  (some people will gasp at this, I know) and then weave them into a row of the same color using the method below.  As my projects include many colors and changes, I have found this to be the most secure and invisible method.  
Resources for weaving in ends (Very Pink Knits): 